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Match Report Saturday 7th March 2015

  • 09/03/15
  • By by Peter Raynbird.
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It was Bounty United having the best result in the chase for the Division Two Championship, beating Herriard Sports 3-2 while the other candidates only drew their matches.

They went into the lead through Matt Love who followed up to net after the 30 yard shot from Craig Williamson rebounded off the crossbar. This was in the 20th minute and with their lineup was interrupted when their influential Player/Manager Jordon Willis had to go off injured. It was in the 46th minute when Mitchell Stokes sent Love through on the break and it became 2-0. Five minutes later it became three when Stokes 15 yard shot proved too good for keeper John Hamill. Substitutions were made by Herriard and both were to put them back in the game. Martin Miles lobbing the keeper and as they Craig Lewington made it 3-2 and it was only a goal line clearance that stopped the Lewington equalizer. Bounty edged the game, only by some excellent saves from their Polish keeper Szymon Duszynski, one outstanding from a Karl Buttle.. The top two, Basingstoke Labour Club and Basingstoke Athletic met and the outcome was a 2-2 draw. Athletic took a 25th minute lead when Matt Button ran through from a Tobie Hyde pass and they extended the lead in the 65th when assisted by Dale Bristow, Nathan Read beat keeper Sam White who made critical saves to keep it at 2-0. On came Labour substitute veteran Martin Willows and Labour began to get more into the game and in the 70th minute Natt Read pulled a goal back. Labour had their tails up now and the equalizer came in the 85th minute when Matt Kelly sent a fine through ball to on fire Cameron George who beat the helpless Sean Martin and this keeps them top of the table on goal difference. Winklebury Wizards chances of honours looks to have disappeared when they could only draw 3-3 with AFCAldermaston A. and it was only a late goal from Ryan Watts that earned them a draw. An own goal gave Aldermaston a 3rd minute lead and it remained at 1-0 until the 50th minute when Tom Cooper made it 2-0. In the 75th Dean Scott put away a Dan Goodyear corner kick for Wizards and a Matt Love defence splitting pass led to Ben Clark making it 2-2. Kevin Flain put away a penalty kick to see Aldermaston in front on 82 minutes, but Wizards managed to get something out of the game when a free kick taken by Josh Dickens was not gathered cleanly by keeper Darren Heath and Ryan Watts put away the loose ball. Sherborne St John Reserves picked up their first point since September when they defeated the current leaders Labour Club. It was from a 2-2 draw against Overton United B at Berrydown. Where they took a 25th minute lead when James Price converted a penalty after Andy Carr was brought down. It was from another penalty given in the 65th minute for hand ball and this time Dave Purt converted from the spot. The Overton scorers were John Holder and Tita Martins.
Preston Candover had plenty of players missing but still managed to win 3-1 against AFC Berg, who have been unbeaten in their last four matches. Rob Stait was back in the squad and was pushed up front by Acting Manager Ben Coe and it paid off with Stait scoring two of the three. It was in the first minute when a pass from Mickie Fuller led to the opening goal. In the 40th Stait had a hand in the second, scored by Tom Green. In the 60th a fine long ball out of defence by Dave Ratclliff was met with a lob from Stait for a 3-0 advantage. A late consolation for Berg came from a Kevin Beaumont corner beat stand in keeper James Skirvin and ended up in the net.